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Feb 03 2006

Extravan: Alcon Pharmaceuticals

posted by: Bud O'Leary, OD

The first pharmaceutical to combine a prostoglandin analogue, Travoprost (Travatan) and Beta blocker, timolol maleate (Timoptic) is currently in clinical trials.

Initial studies have found Extravan QD dosing produces similar IOP control to daily dosing of timolol in the morning and Travatan in the evening. The single dosing of the Extravan thereby significantly reduces the application of preservatives.

Corneal and conjunctival apoptosis from chronic BAK application was discussed by R. Noecker, M.D. in Cornea, 2004. The ability to reduce the toxicity while maintaining IOP control would benefit patients suffering from the concurrent dry eye and inflammation so often encountered with glaucoma medications.

Alan P. Fisher, O.D. - on May 17, 2006

Extravan is QD dosing. Timolol is QAM and Travatan is QHS. When is Extravan used?

Bud O'Leary, OD - on May 29, 2006

Dr. Fisher - I have not used any combo drugs at this time. I have asked Paul Smith from Alcon to post an answer. Let's see what Alcon reports.

Bud O'Leary, OD - on May 31, 2006

Extravan has not yet received FDA approval in the U.S. However, Alcon's Travatan/Timolol fixed combination is approved as DuoTrav in Europe, Australia and Canada. It is approved for dosing in the morning or evening. For more information about Duotrav, click on this link: Duotrav